Sizer Systems
TASC Systems produces a range of products for the post harvest sector of the fresh produce industry. This includes our economical yet sophisicated fruit sizer / sorting controllers. If you are not able to find a product that meets your needs or have any questions, please contact us.
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LCS Sizer Controller – Series 3+

The TASC LCS is a sophisticated control unit for fruit sizers in your packhouse. It may be integrated with a new sizing system or when upgrading the electronics on an existing system. It is proving to be a successful, popular choice with many packhouse managers for retrofitting to sizers. The TASC SCS has been used to upgrade sizers from various manufacturers including Treeways, KW, MacDonalds, PSF, Maki, FMC, FGE, GP, Compac, and Lynx.
The LCS is available in either an all-in-one format or as a series of modules depending on customers needs. As an all-in-one unit it provides all of the functionality needed to control sophisticated sizers but with the advantage of a very compact reliable unit that is easily serviced if required. As an all-in-one the LCS can control up to 4 lanes x 24 drops, or 2 lanes x 48 drops. Up to 4 banks of labellers can also be controlled.
The LCS units feature versatile software with features such as….
* Up to 36 user defined fruit sizes. – specify the sizes & grades to match your exact needs. Either just set the minimum weight or for complicated weight ranges across different grades set both a minimum and maximum weight.
* Flexible size delivery options. – any size down any outlet with up to 2 sizes per outlet complete with individual labelling setup.
* Multiple outlets of the same size. – share sizes across multiple outlets to better cope with the high volume sizes.
* Programmable ratios per outlet. – alter the flow of shared sizes to suit your mix of packaging or your staff.
* Selective labelling. – connect multiple labelling heads to label the right size with the right label.
* Batching by weight or number. – up to 999kg or 999,000 fruit per pack in 1 gram / 1 fruit increments.
* Link batching outlets easily. – flexible operation with a size able to be spread across any number of batching outlets.
* Advanced Split Sizer Mode. – split the sizer in two to allow you to size two different grades of fruit at once.
* Advanced Split Batching. Able to batch fruit separately on both sides of the machine within the same outlet.
* Quality control outlet option. – deliver a sample of fruit to a predetermined outlet on request.
* Library outlet option. – for continuous collection of a size at a specified rate.
* Sampling Mode. – allows the sampling of specific sizes at a specified rate.
* Load / Save programs. – store up to 8 programs within the LCS for instant changes.
– PC ( see Powerpack Professional below ) option allows for unlimited program setups.
* Colour Options. – connect to a TASC Ellips colour and/or dimension sorter.
* Default Grade options – split the sizer into up to 5 grades by setting the default grade for a lane.
* Individual Cup tare – optional mode to allow individual cup weights to be tared where the individual weight of the cups varies.
Powerpack Professional
When you want easy, sophisticated control of your sizer operation from an PC use the TASC Powerpack software.
The software is designed to be connected with the TASC LCS sizer controller for sizer management.
Outlet Boards
Modular Outlet Boards are an advanced design with built-in intelligence to give you versatile system with maximum expandability.
RDM – Solenoid Driver
The TASC RDM ( Replacement Driver Module ) connects to an SCS to provide a system that installs easily, but also provides economy and versatility with its internal modular construction. The TASC RDM can be configured to drive combinations of lanes and solenoids as well as providing outputs for belt clutch drives if required.