
TASC has gained a reputation for reliable product, great service and support. This reputation was initially founded in packhouses that packed using Treeways-made equipment. Since TASC Systems started in 1991 we have rapidly extended our client base. Now TASC products are proven to successfully integrate with a full range of packhouse equipment including ATI, MacDonalds, Compac, FGE, PSF, GP, FMC, Aweta and Lynx products.

TASC products have been installed on over 300 sizers, handling produce such as Apples, Kiwifruit, Garlic, Persimmons, Citrus, Bulbs, Stonefruit, Mangoes, Pears, Avocados, Tamarillos and Fejoas. Packhouse managers continue to chose TASC products because of the impressive technology, reliable service and low cost compared to other systems.
From the beginning TASC has always supported packhouses in Australia and the USA, but now also has products installed in diverse locations such as Canada, Iran, Pacific Islands and the Caribbean. Exporting and supporting products around the globe is an integral part of the company’s activity.


In 1999 TASC Systems also began supplying software for dealing with produce, including barcoding, inventory and payment tracking systems. Our packhouse software is now a key part of our product range.

TASC Systems is based in Hawkes Bay on the East Coast of New Zealands’ North Island. This is a large fruit growing area that suits Stonefruit, Pipfruit and Kiwifruit.

Looking towards the Ruahine Ranges from Morley Road, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.